While most people aren’t familiar with the oftentimes long and costly process of a Florida Probate, we’re here to help you avoid it with proper estate planning (remember: everyone has an estate – this refers to all the money and property owned by a particular person especially upon their death including a bank account, vehicle, real property and/or a business of any kind). While many people think that having a Last Will and Testament avoids Probate, unless you have other legal documents in place for each of your assets, a Will alone will not avoid Probate; additionally, if you have any minor children a court-administered Guardianship for assets left to them will likely be required depending on the value. A Revocable Trust provides many benefits, including the ability to administer your own assets during your life time just as you do now, it will allow you to control the timing and the assets to be distributed to your loved ones or for their benefit following your death, and it will also help avoid the court-administered Probate of your assets including your homestead. Additionally, a Revocable Trust will also allow you to designate a ‘Disability Trustee’ to administer your assets during any time in which you are incapacitated, and unlike a Will, a Revocable Trust is a private document which does not have to be recorded in the public records following your death. Want to know what documents fit your scenario the best? Give us a call for your free initial consultation: 786.262.5105, and let us help you protect the assets you want to leave to your loved ones
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